Planning so the IRS Doesn’t Peek Under the Hood

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Location: Virtual
Speaker: Christopher Siegle, JPMorgan Chase, Paradise Valley, AZ

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4:00pm – 5:30pm



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About the program

The pressure on federal revenue has been enhanced by the response to COVID-19. The increase scrutiny of taxpayer’s returns is inevitable. Recent data suggests that the rate of audit of gift tax returns has more than doubled. Vulnerabilities in the wealth transfer planning that have been exploited by the IRS examiners have been focused on valuation, Chapter 14 deficiencies, and 2036/2038 retained interests.

In this program, Christopher Siegle will explore ways that planners can enhance the protective aspects of their clients’ plans through knowledge of Chapter 14 and its purposes, nuances of valuation of illiquid assets, value adjustment formulas, and long term grantor trusts as tools to fortify the plans offered to clients. With the approach toward building the team around the client, all bases of income, gift and estate taxes will be discussed in a collaborative context.   


About Chris Siegle

Chris Siegle is an Executive Director in JPMorgan’s Private Bank and is responsible for advising private business owners and families with pre transactional tax planning and trust structures saving millions of dollars that can be used for lifestyle, family, and philanthropy.  In his 24 years of legal practice he has assisted entrepreneurs and families in Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Texas and Orange County, CA to elevate tactical business considerations to strategic advantage for taxpayers, families, and philanthropic legacies.  His focus on taxation of individuals, business entities, estates and trusts is combined with unique perspectives on family governance to become a sought after resources for families around the country.  

He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign, his law degree from the University of Tulsa, his Master of Strategic Studies degree from the US Army War College, and his LL.M (taxation) from Villanova University.

He is a retired Captain in the US Navy, and an adjunct Professor of Law in the graduate tax program of Villanova University.


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